Video, 14 min, 2009
In a room on the seventh floor in a cold city, two people are waking up. They hug each other hard, still, it’s not enough to be able to forget where one body starts and the other ends.
Neither of them has a sex or a face and they both wear more layers of skin than they ought to. Old disappointments and badly healed wounds have turned them into this. The hardened skin makes them ask for help to remember the sensation of heat. With a pair of scissors they ask each other for permission to expose, rip up and get in.
This is an inquiry to get rid of what’s been long since dead. It’s surgery. Something forgotten turns into a memory that later transforms into fingers, and finally a hand. Hair begins to smell and the sweat is pouring.
In close-ups about closeness we see the longing for something new. Art meets porn in a ripping horniness without censorship.
Skin is a part of the Dirty Diaries collection and in distribution at Filmform.
”The audience’s award on Sunday went to Elin Magnusson’s short film ”Skin” on Dirty Diaries, a collection of short films produced by Mia Engberg.”
– New porn by women
”Vi möter också dokumentärfilmaren Mia Engberg, som producerade Dirty Diaries, tolv korta porrfilmer, alla gjorda av kvinnor.”
– Tendens, Sveriges Radio P1
”The film begins slowly, with a finger lingering on a crotch seam before following it, along the curves of a body.”
– Good vibes blog
”Cissi Elwin Frenkel har sett ”Dirty diaries” och säger att det var helt rätt att ge den stöd.”
– Dagens Nyheter
”Det är roligt, provocerande och upphetsande utan att fastna i klichéer om kvinnlig erotik med softade linser och diffusa bilder.”
– Svenska Dagbladet
”Kino har intervjuat producenten Mia Engberg om hur hon gör för att inte fastna i klichébilden av njutning. I Kinostudion finns även Ester-Martin Bergsmark, Sara Kaaman och Elin Magnusson, några av regissörerna som deltar i projektet.”
– Kino, Sveriges Radio P1