Återsken (Reflection) is a public commission for Eskilstuna municipality and Vågen’s nursing home located in Skiftinge. I wanted to invite the forest and the nature reserve close to the nursing home to create an oasis, a waterhole and a fairytale for the staff from which they can recharge their batteries. A nursing home is staffed at all hours of the day which is why one part is dedicated to the day and the other to the night. The bird is a symbol of freedom and each bird is carefully selected and carries a story why it is included. The motifs stretches out and opens up to a world on the other side of the wall. My hope is that it looks like two large window has been opened in the middle of the wall and that the sun or moon illuminates the birds outside.
Common swift
Common swifts are sociable with each other throughout the year and during the breeding season they usually lives in colonies where many activities are coordinated. Particularly striking are their social games. They can see in to the future and depending on whether they fly high or low you know what kind of weather is expected. Common swifts are migratory birds so their appearance in the sky is a sure sign of summer.
The Osprey is the bird of Södermanland. They have integrity and guard their privacy. If they nest in a tree where there is too much life and movement, there is a high risk that they won’t have any chicks. At the same time, the osprey is a useful bird. It is said that the spirits of the dead take form in the bird, warning and helping people against unseen dangers.
The goldfish chooses its nesting place in parks and gardens or other similar open places. It is a social bird that likes to live close to other pairs. The red-capped sparrow eats seeds from thistles, and it is said that its head is stained with Jesus' blood when the bird pulled thorns from his forehead.
Blue tit
In Sweden, it is the symbol of support for people with dementia and their relatives. It began to be used as a symbol for this purpose during the Radio Aid campaign in 1994 and then functioned as the joint fundraising symbol of the Dementia Association and the Alzheimer Association. The blue tit is a stationary bird and usually does not move more than 5 km from its birthplace.
The herons are cautious and vigilant and prefer to flee from a their enemy. A heron that cannot escape defends itself furiously and can pose a danger to troublemakers with its long, sharp beak. The heron, a bird of the sun, symbolizes the rising sun and rebirth.
Mallards can get very old and they stay with their partner for life. It is not uncommon for them to eat out of your hand. Mallards are often seen in urban environments. They are basically everywhere where there is water; in parks, by lakes and by the sea.
Burned, painted, gilded wood, 2022