Så känn med handen mot marken
Solo exhibition, 2020
Så känn med handen mot marken (So feel the ground with your hand) is a solo exhibition that took place at Galleri 7B in Norrköping 2020. It consists of both new and older work that all originate in one way or another from Vikbolandet and the small farm Holketorp.
I am drawn to the forest, to let the wilderness give voice to thoughts the city or people cannot. There’s a kind of homesickness surrounding my work that never seems to subside but becomes fuel for art concerning my heritage. It is the search for a mystery strong enough to challenge a secular society's over-confidence of the rational witch drives me. And often this search take place at my family’s summer house, a small farm close to Norrköping where my dad grew up.
Part of the exhibition is the new work Du kan bara rädda det du älskar (You can only save that which you love), consisting of tools carved in wood. They are replicas of tools inherited from my grandfather that in their wooden form lost their function. Creating these objects became a way for me to learn a craft that is no longer passed down in my family, while the tools' lack of function clarifies an emotional value that is easy to lose in the era of disposability. The axe becomes a portrait of something missing and maybe soon forgotten.
I some times uses repetition as a method to investigate the meaning of events and objects. Two photos taken by my mother in the 80s is hanging next to the tools and depicts a child fascinated studying her father in the process of skinning a deer. Inside the back room of the gallery, another 1:1 scale deer, made of wood, stands in front of an altar-like collage made of feathers. The wooden deer, like the photo, both become frozen momentary events. They carry a desire to be able to stop time and save it as photos in an album. The collage with a deep blue background was shown for the first time in 2016 at Galleri Verkligheten in Umeå as part of the exhibition Skogen behöver att jag ser den (The forest needs to be seen).

”Hon vill inte se verket som ett romantiserande, utan som en hyllning, och talar även om det svenska vemodet i verktygen, och om att stanna upp och se de små mirakel som finns i ens närhet.”
– Susanna Beskow Norgren, Folkbladet
”En frihet att göra objekt som är odugliga”.
– Mikael Pihlblad, Norrköpings Tidningar